Lena’s Cousin Mildred from the snooty suburbs has returned to Potsdam and purchased the Chat and Chew Café. Mildred has aspirations of turning the Potsdam landmark into a fine dining experience. After a couple of months of successful operation Mildred heads off to a food show in Minneapolis and asks Ole and Lena to look after the place (The Norse Nook) for her. Lena is elated at the opportunity but for Ole this sounds like work and something he wants no part of. Join in all the fun as fine dining goes to hilarious dining in this newest and most unique Ole and Lena musical production “Café Chaos.”
Lunch menu catered by Fat Boys. Chicken Kiev, Rice Pilaf, Green Beans, a Dinner Roll, and dessert, will also include coffee, water, and milk.
Lunch and Show Tickets: Adults $36, Seniors $35
Show Only Tickets: Adults $18, Seniors $17.